
Work cited page for a book

If no date is listed, omit it unless you can find that information available in a reliable source. In that case the date is cited in square brackets. E.g. [2008] Page Numbers. Page number on your Works Cited page (but not for in-text citations) are now proceeded by p. for a single page number and pp. for a range of page numbers. E.g. p. 156 or ... How to Cite a Textbook in MLA - Video & Lesson Transcript ... The first step in creating a works cited page citation for a textbook is to gather all of the source information you need to create the citation such as the author, editor, title of the book ...

How to Cite Edition, Volume, and Page Numbers for Books Cite the edition of the book you used. If there aren't multiple editions of the book, or if it isn't a multivolume work, then do not include this information in your reference. Here are a few sample references to chapters in edited books with parenthetical edition, volume, and/or page numbers: The Works Cited Page - MLA Style - Research and Documentation ... A list of works cited, which appears at the end of your paper, gives full publishing information for each of the sources you have cited in the paper. Start on a new page and title your list Works Cited. Then list in alphabetical order all the sources that you have cited in the paper. Unless your instructor asks for them, sources not actually ...

MLA Format:Examples of MLA Works Cited -

The Works Cited page is the final (and separate ) page of a research paper and includes your last name and the page number in the upper right- hand margin. The title Works Cited should appear in the center of the page (without quotations or underlining/italics). MLA Works Cited Page Entries - Writing ... - According to MLA, you must have a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. Remember, the entries in the Works Cited page will match the signal word or phrase in your text.Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your paper. PDF MLA Citation Format th See the last page of this handout for a sample works cited list with explanations. Additional guidelines for the works cited page: For a book, if more than one city of publication is listed on the title page, give only the first. Shorten publishers' names by omitting articles (A, An, The), business abbreviations (Co.,

How does a work cited and a work consulted page differ? - Quora

How to Write a Works Cited Page. If you're writing in MLA format, the Works Cited page is the final piece to the puzzle that is your paper. A Works Cited page is a complete list of the works that you cite in your paper, and it's different… Template:Cited - Wikisource, the free online library For use to when a specific edition or specific section, chapter or similar subdivision has been cited within the work. How do you correctly format a Works Cited page Plus, put a space after each entry, apply hanging indent, list the entries alphabetically by author's last name, use italics for titles of longer works like books and magazines, use quotation marks for shorter works like articles, poems… source cited page mla format , (cited versus sighted)~ sample… generate works cited isbn, do you double space works cited, purdue owl mla works cited 2011, mla works cited format for articles, as in references page apa, three qualities for formatting a works in mla form, website help works cited page…

This page shows how to cite books and parts of books that were accessed and read ELECTRONICALLY. A "web" book is one that you have read online . It may be a book you accessed through NetLibrary, GoogleBooks, Califa/Northern California Digital Library, or Safarai Tech Books.

Do you have to cite the page number in the works cited ... If you are citing a chapter from an edited collection (a book with an editor[s] where every chapter is written by a different person), then you DO need to include page numbers in your works cited/references page, and be sure to cite the title and author of the chapter in addition to the book title. MLA Style Guide, 8th Edition: Works Cited entries: What to ... Works Cited entries are made up of core elements. To create your Works Cited reference citation, move down this table from Author to Location, inputting the relevant information into your citation. Some core elements will not be necessary or available for some sources. How to cite BOOKS, eBOOKS, CHAPTERS - Citation Guide ... Examples are not double-spaced, but your Works Cited list should be double-spaced ; Examples do not show indented lines after the first line, but yours should be indented ; Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial.Title of Book: Subtitle of book. Edition, Publisher, Year of online publication. MLA Citation Examples - UMUC Library

Works Cited List - MLA. Sources are referred to in a "Works Cited" list that should begin at the top of a separate page after the last page of essay text. (do not capitalize, underline, etc.). All entries in the works cited list should be double-spaced with no extra line spaces between entries.

The list of Works Cited is an alphabetical list of sources that you used to gather information for your research paper. You place this works cited list at the end of your research paper. Formatting Your MLA Format Works Cited: Page Format: Use the heading “Works Cited” centered one inch below the top edge of MLA Works Cited Page: Books // Purdue Writing Lab For entries in encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works, cite the entry name as you would any other work in a collection but do not include the publisher information. Also, if the reference book is organized alphabetically, as most are, do not list the volume or the page number of the article or item. MLA Citation Format - Works Cited Generator by Citation ... A written work or composition found in print, or digitally as an e-book. Can be non-fiction or fiction.

How do I cite a book for which no organization is named as ...